Author Archives: Christine L. Larson
BAS Reward Responsiveness: A unique predictor of positive psychological functioning
Abstract Previous research on Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory has well-characterized the Behavioral Inhibition System in terms of its behavioral and emotional manifestations, but the Behavioral Approach System (BAS) is less well-defined, particularly regarding the prominence of reward sensitivity versus impulsivity. Furthermore, few researchers evaluate both systems in one model. We evaluated the relationship between Carver and […]
State rumination enhances elaborative processing of negative material as evidenced by the late positive potential.
Abstract Rumination has been shown to increase negative affect and is highly associated with increased duration of depressive episodes. Previous research has shown that enhanced elaborative processing of negative stimuli is often associated with depression and trait rumination. We hypothesized that engaging in rumination would result in sustained elaborative processing of negative information, as measured […]
Relations between Resilience, Positive and Negative Emotionality, and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
Abstract Although research concerning the effects of traumatic and stressful life events on an individual’s mental health has been plentiful in the past several decades, research aimed at understanding the nature of resilience and its role in this process has been less plentiful. The present study examined the relationship between a commonly used measure of […]
Imbalance of default mode and regulatory networks during externally focused processing in depression
Abstract Attentional control difficulties likely underlie rumination, a core cognitive vulnerability in major depressive disorder (MDD). Abnormalities in the default mode, executive and salience networks are implicated in both rumination and attentional control difficulties in MDD. In the current study, individuals with MDD (n =16) and healthy controls (n = 16) completed tasks designed to […]
Brain, body, and cognition: Neural, physiological, and self-report correlates of phobic and normative fear
The phobic fear response appears to resemble an intense form of normal threat responding that can be induced in a nonthreatening situation. However, normative and phobic fear are rarely contrasted directly, thus the degree to which these two types of fear elicit similar neural and bodily responses is not well understood. To examine biological correlates […]
Congratulations to undergraduate RA, Jessica Hanson!

Jessica was one of 18 students selected for the top honors at the 2014 UW-System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity held April 11 at UWM.
Congratulations to Danny Stout! Society for Affective Science Student Poster Award and 1st place at the 2014 UWM Psychology Department Graduate Research Symposium

Chris receives UWM Foundation/Graduate School Research Award

The University Annual Fall Awards Ceremony was held on October 23rd in the Wisconsin Room. Chris received the UWM Graduate School/UWM Foundation Research Award.
An examination of the representativeness assumption for twin studies of eating pathology and internalizing symptoms.
Little research has investigated whether the twin representativeness assumption (that results from twin research generalize to singletons) holds for eating pathology and internalizing symptoms. This study compared disordered eating, depression, and anxiety among young adult female twins versus singletons. Participants included 292 twins and 997 singletons in three samples. Questionnaires included the Minnesota Eating Behavior […]